In 2015 I had the opportunity to once again work on another large scale racing product. This monstrous project scoped 4 platforms and over 4 dozen android aspect ratios. The main problem was fitting an experience onto a phone and tablet that was immersive and worked on something as small as a 4” phone to a large ipad. I worked closely with the Lead Designer to identify the visual language of the product as well as maintain a familiar and engaging platform for the fans without compromising the experience.
After the initial designs were completed, I took up the role of Lead Designer on the project finishing any remaining screens that needed to be completed for development and supporting the development team with asset creation and management. I continued to provide support and direction after the initial launch with any updates from the client.
The scope of work
• Creating custom Ui and Ux based on the clients business requirements
• ios app for iphone and ipad
• Android app for android phone and android tablet
• Creating a style guide and annotations for the client as well as the development team
• Providing asset support for the development team.
• Creating a design that would fit within the required 50+ aspect ratios on android
Role: Ui/Ux Designer, Design Lead
Client: PGATour